26 nov. 2011

Clipping planes and extend your stock

How to extend the the stock model to include the cutter size (makes the cutter go on the outside of the model) and how to use clipping planes to restrict the cutting space. In this clip I change the stock model to include the cutter size, which makes the cutter climb the outside of the model as well and not only parts "inside" the stock. I also use regions for to restrict the cutting depth of the model, I don't want to go as deep as the model is this time.

This clip is available in HD. Maximize the video screen and increase the resolution and you'll have a crisp clear view.
As usual, I run this demo in a virtual environment and it makes the simulator acting a bit odd. Try it for real!

6 nov. 2011

Making regions

Here are a few simple examples how regions will help you to restrict the working area for a toolpath. Note that if you want to make a roughing or Z-level and a lot of "islands" it's better time wise to generate a toolpath for each region instead of selecting multiple regions. In that way the toolpath will finish one region and then move to next. When a group of regions are used to make a rough/Z-level each level will be finished in every region and therefore a lot of extra movement will be added. On a small model it's not a problem, when doing batches or uge moulds it will take more time. When all regions are generated, make all wanted toolpaths visible and post process them into one program.

This clip is available in HD. Maximize the video screen and increase the resolution and you'll have a crisp clear view.