1 maj 2011

3D indexed.

If you have access to a machine that is capable of indexing (tilt head) this is a very powerful and easy way to make your machine access areas on the workpiece where it normally shouldn't reach. In this example we need to tilt the head 45 degrees to cut the hidden part if the side. This is how I do it.
  1. Select everything in the Front-view and click the Toolpath Calculation icon (the first button in the MadCam toolbar). Now the green wireframe for calculation appears.
  2. Reselect everything in the Front-view and rotate 45 degrees.
  3. Click the Toolpath Calculation once again. This is to tell MadCam that the object has been moved.
  4. Choose cutter, I use the 8 mm ball end in this example.
  5. Choose Axis Mode -> 5 axis indexed mode -> CPlane World Top. As you can see I have selected 5-axis Head/Head in the Axis Setup in Options.
  6. Now I make a normal 3D Roughing.
  7. Select Undo CPlane in the Front-view menu.
  8. Select everything, rotate with -45 degrees.
  9. Once again, click the Toolpath Calculation icon to tell MadCam about the change.
  10. Simulate, and you'll see that the cut is made with the head tilted 45 degrees.
Now, post process and transfer the program to your machine. Tilt the head 45 degrees and go!

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