This is a support for two shafts. It's an easy task to make it and it only need some pocketing and profiling.
- First I rearrange the model and some curves to find them easier. I also copy the profile and remove the inner pocketing to get a closed curve for the outer profile only.
- Select the model and define the work piece.
- Select a cutter.
- Go to the 2.5D menu and select pocketing, selecting the top edge of the big pocket. In the dialog the cutting is set to Relative (see Options) and therefore we cut from 0 which is relative to the selected line and the cut -20 mm. We'll use 1 mm Break Through to get a nice edge in the bottom.
- The 2.5D Pocketing is once again selected to make the small pocket, but this time I use the bottom edge to show the difference once again for the relative setting in the Pocketing dialog. Therefore we'll now go 20 mm from the edge curve and then to zero.
- Hide the model to show the outer profile. Go to 2.5D->Profiling, select the curve.
- I choose to leave a skin in the bottom to ensure that the piece will stay and not move around and be damaged by the mill.
- Now, I OK'd the dialog without checking which side I should cut of the curve. I got an inner side profiling which is totally wrong. But no problem! Just delete the non wanted layer and rerun the dialog!
- Check the Simulator, Post process and go.
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